Essia Tea: A Natural Herbal Blend for Wellness Support

1. Weakened Immune System
2. Chronic bronchitis and other lung problems
3. Chronic Pain
Diabetes 1 2
5. Arthritis
6. Tumors, lesions and growths (including fibroids)
3 4
7. Ulcers
8. Liver Problems
Colon Trouble
10. Chronic Fatigue
11. Fibromyalgia
12. Sinus Trouble
13. Gout
14. Pneumonia and chest colds
15. High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol
16. IBS (including diarrhea and constipation)
17. Kidney Disease
18. AIDS
19. Pain related to inflammation
20. Fluid retention (edema)
21. Diarrhea
22. Heartburn
23. Hepatitis C
24. Bladder Problems
25. Allergies
26. Normalization of hormones
27. Removal of biofilm
28. Parasite cleansing

...and many other conditions.

We’d Love to Hear From You

We’re always ready to assist you with any questions or inquiries about our products. If you want to learn more about our Essiac tea, need advice on beard care, or simply want to connect, we’re here to help.